aims to simplify the use of the BSD Operating Systems in a Cloud environment. It provides a series of Cloud-Ready images that can quickly be deployed and tested. The original target was OpenStack and Virt-Lightning. But the images should work with any Cloud-Init compatible environment.
I released yesterday a new version of the website based on TypeScript + Vite + VueJS and Bootstrap5. After 5 years, the original static page was due for a rewrite. The definition of the images was lost deep inside a mix of HTTP code and Bootstrap class names. It’s not isolated in a clear JSON file. This will simplify the maintenance in the long run. It should also be easier to add new features. I’m dreaming about a way to spawn instances directly from the interface.
Fun fact, I had a v2 rewrite mostly done that I never published. It’s based on Elixir, and it was super fun to do. It’s not a static website since it runs on top of the Erlang VM, I’m afraid the maintenance may be source of extra complexity and not sure this is the right strategy considering my limited free time.
I also pushed new FreeBSD and NetBSD images during the last days. I’ve yet to prepare the NetBSD 10 build.